Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Richardson Chaps. 1 & 2

Being a social studies teacher for the past 16 years I have developed an acute sense of history and turning points. As I read through the first two chapters of Richardson I could not help but feel as though mankind is in a period of time similar to that of the Renaissance when the invention of the printing press fundamentally changed everything. Religion was shaken as now the Bible was accesible to all and not simply the purview of the few educated clergy. Society and culture became much more democratic as well as ideas and commentary now spread much more freely and rapidly. The rise of the internet and technology and their consequent effects on learning and the dissemination of information will result in metmorphoses we can yet imagine.


  1. What changes do you anticipate for how you've been teaching, and of those changes which do you look forward to, as well as not look forward to? In other words, for your discipline, what changes have you already made, what changes do you plan to make, and what (if any) do you think you may resist?

  2. I definitely agree that the many changes in technology will be far-reaching. I love the direction that education is going in terms of integrating blogs and other internet technology into classrooms.
